
Episode 686: Doing it By the Numbers – How to Zero-base Your Marketing Spend

WI 686 | Zero-Base Marketing Spend


To keep your business going or increase income through sales, it is essential to market what you are selling, especially in real estate. However, doing marketing involves costs. But how do you maximize it and zero-base on marketing spend to have an opportunity for more income? Is it even possible?

We have Chris Craddock in today’s episode. He will tell the listeners about his concept that made it possible for him to zero-base on marketing spend. He is a credible coach with nine businesses on brokerage and investment and ranked 20th worldwide with 200,000 agents. His expertise has made him the newest coach at Wholesaling Inc.

In this episode, Chris will share a concept to help investors zero-base on marketing spend by not doing more marketing and simply reviving what they have. He will also talk about how he has generated monthly earnings just off of retail leads that originated with marketing that generates a cash offer.

Get more tips and tricks from Chris to learn more about his well-thought concept. If you want to take the weight of high marketing spend off of your shoulders, then this episode is for you.

Doing It By The Numbers – How To Zero-Base Your Marketing Spend

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