
WIP 709: Reality Check – Why Most People Won’t Make It In Real Estate Wholesaling

WI 709 | Difficulty Level


Real estate wholesaling is a doorway to many financial and career opportunities. But despite many people being drawn to starting a business in this sector, one question always comes to mind: what is its difficulty level? Virtual master coach Lauren Hardy aims to answer this by diving deep into the complexities involved in the entire wholesaling process. She delves into its hardest parts and how to navigate through them, which can also be applied to entrepreneurship in general. Lauren also explains the various personalities an entrepreneur usually has, from the complete goal-driven to the extreme introvert.

WIP 709: Reality Check – Why Most People Won’t Make It In Real Estate Wholesaling

Virtual master coach Lauren Hardy was once asked, “How easy is wholesaling?” She knew then that more people should be aware of the difficulty level of wholesaling and what characteristics are needed to be successful in it.

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