Figuring out lead generation in real estate can be a bit of a brain teaser, it’s like navigating a maze of strategies and tools. It’s almost like hunting for that secret “magic number” everyone’s buzzing about but is a tough nut to crack.
Join Todd Toback as he reveals the often-overlooked magic number for daily leads in the world of wholesaling real estate. Grab these tips to fine-tune your strategy and rock the competitive market scene!
Show notes:
- (1:26) Beginning of today’s episode
- (1:38) How many leads should you send to your acquisitions specialist per week?
- (2:37) Navigating the two evils: Not enough leads and too many leads
- (4:00) Remember, the only things worse than not closing deals are spending money to close deals
- (4:54) Highlighting the importance of having leads come in at a very consistent pace
- (6:01) The sweet spot: Five leads a day per acquisition specialist
- (8:37) Create “consistency” within your business
- To speak with Brent or one of our other expert coaches call (281) 835-4201 or schedule your free discovery call here to learn about our mentorship programs and become part of the Tribe
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