Social media has totally shaken up the real estate game! Now you can easily show off your listings and chat with clients without spending a dime. This means real estate agents who jump on the social media bandwagon can totally stand out.
In today’s episode, we’ve got Devin Burr on board, dropping some awesome advice on how to elevate your brand on Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok. Tune in as Brent and Devin talk about all the sweet benefits of using social media for your marketing game.
Be sure to give Brent’s TTP training program a look and pick up the tricks that’ll take you to the top!
Show notes:
- (1:05) Beginning of today’s episode.
- (1:56) Don’t chase the dollar, give value.
- (3:25) How to get people to take action and post on social media?
- (5:33) Building a robust cash buyer database through free marketing platforms.
- (6:47) Utilizing the BRRR method.
- Follow Devin on Tiktok here
- To speak with Brent or one of our other expert coaches call (281) 835-4201 or schedule your free discovery call here to learn about our mentorship programs and become part of the Tribe
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