
WIP 1175: Case Study – From Upwork to $50k Wholesale Deals

Today’s episode features a dynamic duo sharing their journey of successfully closing a major land deal. Meet Justin and Mo, who transitioned from a W2 job to becoming real estate investors, driven by their desire for financial independence. Justin, who began his journey on Upwork, partnered up with Mo, a former news reporter, after meeting each other during an adult kickball game. 

Together, they have carved out a niche in real estate land investing, and we’re here to hear their inspiring story. Discover how they are conquering the real estate market with their innovative strategies and passion for success! If you want to be one step ahead in land real estate be sure to visit the Land Sharks Program.


Show notes:

  • (1:09) Beginning of today’s episode
  • (1:55) Breaking down the first land deal that they purchased for just $3,000 and sold for $10,000
  • (3:49) What is adult kickball?
  • (5:28) Try to stay away from competition as much as possible
  • (9:01) You can generate revenue with relatively low risk
  • (17:00) How to pick your “playground”? 
  • (18:15) Always look out for average price points before picking up an area 
  • (28:48) Pick up that phone and start sending those letters! Take that action
  • (29:03) Build and find your support group



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