It’s not a matter of experience; you have to add the novations strategy to your repertoire now if you want to close smoking hot deals!
Todd Toback is back with a case study that he’s going to share with you. Learn how they’ve been able to make over $80,000 in an instant using this strategy as he gives us a clear rundown of their deal process.
This episode proves that novating a contract works in a number of ways. Now it’s all up to you to trust the process.
Show notes:
- (0:12) Beginning of the episode
- (0:42) Todd teaches you how you can close big deals using novations
- (2:17) How they market the property on the multiple listing service
- (2:42) How they sold the property for approximately $500,000 to a retail buyer
- (4:36) It’s important for you to understand where your market is
- (5:09) A quick review of their deal process
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