Working with family members can be advantageous. They’re people you can lean on to have the company’s best interests in mind, and when you reach your business goals, you can share your laurels with them, the people you value most. It adds a practical value, too — if one family member is in a pitfall, someone else can help pick up the slack.
Immerse yourselves as Chris Arnold, Tony Javier, and John Blackburn talk about running a real estate business with your family. John also gives us a glimpse of how he successfully created a business empire with his family for 7-8 years now. He also tapped on setting up boundaries, directing crucial conversations and balancing the fine line between empathy and professionalism to your strategy. Not only that, but they also walk us through the perks of using TV as your prominent marketing channel.
More exciting wholesaling ventures are waiting for you in this jam-packed episode!