
Episode 812: Wholesaling Masterclass – A Peak Behind the Curtain in Brent’s Wholesaling Business

WI 812 | Wholesaling


Being a wholesaler often evokes “pretty penny” images of large sums of money, but the truth is that it can be just as profitable as you can set up your business. You don’t need millions of dollars or even thousands to get started. You only need the motivation to make sales, good systems for tracking them, and a little seed money to get started.

Whether you are just starting out in wholesaling or have done it before, this podcast will help boost your expertise by revealing tips that many wholesalers follow.

In this episode, we highlight Brent Daniels and his million-dollar wholesaling company. Joining him are the best of the best in his acquisition team, Chad Coulter and Ryan Thornton, the Jr. Acquisition Manager and Acquisition Manager. Get immersed in the conversation as they share their experience and expertise in the industry, what motivates them to be a successful wholesaler, and how they use their skills in the real world actually make money for the company by flipping properties.

Wholesaling Masterclass – A Peak Behind the Curtain in Brent’s Wholesaling Business

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