Today’s episode is the second part of a three-part series on how to scale and grow your wholesaling business to 7 figures with Chris Craddock. He will be sharing more ways to scale up your wholesaling business. Chris talks about the power of negotiating the correct way to utilize it. Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan are among the great politicians and American leaders who negotiated with strength and empathy. The same goes with your wholesaling business: knowing how to do it right yields favorable results. Understanding the needs of your customer and figuring out how to meet them is the most important part of salesmanship.
He will also discuss the value of knowing how to close the deal. It takes time to master these skills, and Chris believes that the resources and books he shared will help develop and hone your skills as a salesperson. He believes that this episode will help you excel even more in your profession. Always invest in mastery classes to upskill and have the opportunity to gain meaningful connections with people in this industry.