
Episode 647: How a 22 Year Old from Israel Closed His First Multi-Family Deal…in Pennsylvania!

WI 647 | First Multi-Family Deal


Did you know that the power of having a mindset pumped up with optimism has a high likelihood for a person to develop that winning attitude and reach lasting success? And, did you also know that empowering oneself starts with learning?

Brace yourself for an extreme show as Brent will have a conversation with a sensational man who has presented himself to be interviewed in the podcast to tick off a goal from his list. Our guest, Daniel Nissim, knows how to get serious with work. He managed to attain success in the business despite working remotely. Impossible? Well, he made it possible.

In this episode, Daniel will break down a deal that he closed on a multi-family wholesale deal that will crumble all the excuses in every entrepreneurs’ head — you cannot do this business. He does business in Pittsburg that requires him to fly for 17 hours from TeL Aviv, Israel, where he resides.

Get that inspiration to build that confidence from the 22-year-old Daniel. Learn how he breaks the barrier of distance building and operating his business remotely. Time to dig in!

How a 22 Year Old from Israel Closed His First Multi-Family Deal…in Pennsylvania! With Daniel Nissim

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