
Episode 623: Do or Die Series – Episode 04 – How to Wholesale Your First Piece of Land

WI 623 | Wholesaling Land


Welcome to the fourth day of the nine-day Do or Die series. To recap, Tracy Krol is a teacher by profession. She has a big goal of having more time and money, hitting $10,000 monthly in the next nine months. In the previous episode, Tracy learned the following from Bret Daniels: the right mindset to be the CEO of your company, the importance of delegation, what the Land Offer Letter (LOL) is, and how to fill up and send it out.

In this episode, we learn which county Tracy chose to work in and if she was able to get the mails out. How much mails did she manage to send out? Bret will also teaches Tracy about the four critical metrics to track to build a successful land business. Brent does a deep dive into the script in handling seller responses, step by step, with Tracy. This is one way to build up Tracy’s confidence despite her struggles and stresses in answering seller responses.

Buckle up and prepare for this explosive episode!

Do Or Die Series – Episode 04 – How To Wholesale Your First Piece Of Land With Tracy Krol

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