
Episode 563: Why Too Many Marketing Channels Can Destroy Your Wholesaling Business . . . and How to Avoid It

WI 563 | Marketing Channels Can Destroy


Let us crush a very common misconception: many people believe that the more marketing channels they use, the more leads they can generate and the more opportunities that will come their way. However, nothing can be farther from the truth.

While using several marketing channels can seem like a smart move at first glance, it is actually counterproductive. In this episode, Wholesaling Inc.’s Cody Hofhine will tell you why.

In addition, Cody also shared the marketing channel that has worked for him when he was starting out. He also talked about the other awesome marketing channels that are available at your disposal.

If you want to know what marketing channel is right for you and why focusing on only one is deemed ideal, this episode is for you!

Why Too Many Marketing Channels Can Destroy Your Wholesaling Business . . . And How To Avoid It With Cody Hofhine

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