
Episode 487: The Exact Action Steps You Need to Take to Land a $50k Deal

WI 487 | Action Steps


When you’re new to wholesaling, it’s easy to get into paralysis analysis. However, once you get out of that trap, there is no limit to what you can do!

Today’s guest is a wholesaling newbie who just accomplished an impressive feat—he made $50k on his first wholesaling deal! John Greer is an incredible real estate investor and wholesaler from Colorado Springs. While his first two wholesaling deals fell through, he didn’t let it get to him and hinder him from giving wholesaling another go.

Undeniably, it’s one of the best decisions he has made ever made. From there, John made another awesome decision: he’ll venture into wholesaling full-time!

In this episode, John shared the steps he took that has helped him land the lucrative $50k deal. If you’re a new wholesaler looking for your first ever deal, today’s episode is exactly what you need to hear!

The Exact Action Steps You Need To Take To Land A $50k Deal With John Greer

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