
Episode 368: How To Close Your First Deal With Marco Zapata

WI 368 | Closing Your First Deal


For most wholesaling newbies, finding their first ever deal is always the hardest. However, once faith becomes fact, finding the next ones becomes way easier. Case in point: today’s guest has successfully closed his first ever deal and he already has 2 others in the pipeline!

Just like most people, Marco Zapata knew he wanted more from life. He dreamt about having a portfolio of rental properties and becoming financially independent. While his first venture into wholesaling has not been easy (he thought about giving up countless times!), he persevered and his efforts were rewarded big time!

If you’re still in the process of finding that seemingly elusive first deal, you can’t miss today’s episode. You’ll not only learn the techniques Marco used; you’ll also be inspired by his journey!

How To Close Your First Deal With Marco Zapata

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