
Episode 358: First Deal – How Two Determined Rhinos Went from Fear to Faith

WI 358 | Bouncing Back From Setbacks


For two tenacious rhinos, the journey from fear to faith has not been easy. However, the monetary rewards and the valuable lessons they learned along the way has made the journey truly worth it.

Rashad Green and Jon Sandhu are two rockstar rhinos from Fort Worth, Texas. While the two business partners have finally gotten their first ever deal, it took them 5 months to make it happen! Fortunately, while they encountered challenges and setbacks along the way, Rashad and Jon had the right mentality and chose to keep pushing forward.

In today’s episode, discover the step-by-step guide they used to find their first deal. More importantly, get an insight into their mentality so that you, too, can move forward in faith!

First Deal – How Two Determined Rhinos Went from Fear to Faith

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