
Episode 345: Over 300 Deals With Zero Marketing Budget With Templeton Walker

WI 345 | Zero Marketing Budget


Is it possible to succeed in wholesaling without any marketing budget? Amazingly, the answer is a resounding YES! In fact our guest today is a passionate wholesaler who closed over 300 deals with zero marketing budget!

Templeton Walker is a hardworking and highly successful real estate investor and wholesaler. While he was able to build a massive real estate business in just a few short years, it was wholesaling that really helped him earn more and allowed him to take his business to the next level.

Chatty and insightful, Templeton made this episode a must-listen. He not only candidly shared many of the wholesaling (and real estate) tips and techniques he swears by, he also threw in a few beneficial life lessons. Definitely one of those remarkable episodes you’d listen to over and over again!


Over 300 Deals With Zero Marketing Budget With Templeton Walker

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