
Episode 336: A Candid Conversation With A Struggling Wholesaler With John Dreher

WI 336 | Wholesaling Strategies


While some wholesalers get extremely lucky and close their first deals without a hitch, others experience challenges and setbacks that sometimes paralyze them and hinder them from taking further action. Fortunately, with the right mentor, developing the right mindset, seeing areas for improvement, and getting back on track is a lot easier!

In today’s episode, we’ll listen in as our very own Cody Hofhine provided expert help and guidance to new rhino John Dreher. Together, Cody and John dissected a deal that went awry and figured out a way to avoid a similar scenario from happening again.

If you’re looking for real-time instruction, expert guidance, and practical wisdom, you can’t afford to miss this episode. Cody not only dished out all 3, but he also provided some much-needed inspiration (and pep talk!), so you can get back on track and steer your wholesaling business in the right direction!


A Candid Conversation With A Struggling Wholesaler With John Dreher

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