
Episode 195: The Top 3 Reasons Why You’re Failing at Wholesaling

Many wholesalers (rockstars and newbies alike) agree on one thing: while wholesaling can be highly lucrative, it’s always not a walk in the park. Sure, you will have countless moments of triumph. However, there will also be frustrating times where you’ll feel like you just can’t get things right.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t fail at wholesaling because you lack the will, the effort, or the desire. So what exactly do you need to work on? That’s what this episode’s guest is here for—provide expert guidance so you can clearly identify whatever it is that’s holding you back and give you actionable steps so you can effectively overcome it.

In this special episode, Tom talks to Patrick Precourt. Patrick is brilliant entrepreneur and an industry leader in sales and leadership, marketing, coaching, and business development. He is also Tom’s trusted mentor.

If you’re looking for expert advice, tips, wisdom, and insights on how you can bridge the gap between where your wholesaling business is right now and where you want to take it, this is one episode you shouldn’t miss!

Key Takeaways

  • The 3 fundamental things that keeps people from making progress
  • The part where most people get stuck at
  • The fear that’s most crippling
  • The antidote to the fear of not knowing
  • The difference between knowing and not knowing
  • Why focus is not the opposite of distraction
  • The importance of focusing on a determined outcome
  • Why people are vague about their goals
  • Why momentum is your ally
  • Two key ideas that can keep momentum going


If you are Ready to Explode Your Wholesaling Business, Click here to Book a Free Strategy Session with me right now!

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