Do you have a chip on your shoulder that’s holding you down and hindering you from steering your wholesaling business in the right direction?
For Brent Daniels, it came in the form of 5 foreclosed homes, a divorce, and a $742, 000 debt. Fast-forward 8 years later and he now owns 5 properties, runs a very successful wholesaling business, and earns around $80 to $100K a month.
Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? But it is true. And in today’s special episode, Brent will show you how he turned a desperate situation around and used the chip on his shoulder to work to his advantage.
Perhaps your current situation is not as dire as his once was or maybe you’re currently having it worse. Whatever the case may be, you can definitely use the knowledge, wisdom, and invaluable insights he so willingly shared in this episode.
Today’s show will be one you’ll listen to over and over again—when you need motivation, when you need inspiration, when you need that little push so you can turn your life around.
So have a pen and paper handy, give today’s episode your undivided attention, and prepare to be moved, inspired, and motivated!