Greg Polyakov is a hardworking rhino who hails from Vancouver, Washington. He became a member of the tribe just last September of 2017. Before deciding to do wholesaling full-time, he worked as an office manager at a nursing facility. After hearing Tom on the Bigger Pockets podcast, he decided to give wholesaling a try and the rest they say is history.
In this episode, Greg shared how he scored his first deal just 3 months after becoming a tribe member, how consistency helped him establish a relationship with the seller, and how thinking outside the box helped him earn $8, 283.99 in assignment fee!
Have a pen and paper handy before listening to this episode. You’ll have plenty of beneficial tips to take note of!
The Deal:
Being a newbie in the wholesaling world didn’t stop Greg from taking massive, imperfect actions to close his very first deal. While he profited handsomely for his efforts, things didn’t come easy for him. However, his consistency and hard work paid off big-time and he looks poised to dominate the wholesaling world!
- Greg sent out mails to the high equity list and got a call from a seller who seemed interested but claimed she’s not ready to sell her property yet.
- When he made a follow-up call the week after, he can tell the seller was motivated but he’s not sure about her motivation (or her willingness to sell) just yet.
- However, by following up with seller consistently, Greg was not only able to establish a good relationship with her, he was also able to come up with a price that’s deemed win-win for both parties.
- He then didn’t waste time and started calling and getting in touch with people on his buyer’s list until he was able to sell the property and walk away $8, 283.99 richer!
While seemingly easy, wholesaling is no walk in the park. However, given you are hardworking, consistent, and are getting expert help and guidance, you’ll be closing one deal after another before you know it!
- How to Close 100+ Deals In Your First 18 Months with Tom Krol (BiggerPockets Podcast 176)
- The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
- The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
- Craigslist