For Wholesalers

Cold Calling Script

Use this proven, 3-page script to find motivated sellers… set better appointments… and do more, bigger, and more profitable deals!

What You'll Learn

EXACTLY what to say on the phone so you can overcome call reluctance and speak with confidence and ease (it’s so simple anyone can learn it almost immediately)

How to open the call and develop INSTANT trust so motivated sellers will open up and tell you about their property, timeline, motivation, and price (the ‘4 Pillars’ of pre-qualifying)

How to handle the 6 “knee-jerk” responses you’ll get (including the ‘YES in disguise’) so you can stay in control of the conversation and decide to dig deeper or move onto the next call

PLUS: How to get deals from people who say NO (this simple tactic has helped me get a ton of deals)… the only time you should drop everything and RACE to the property… and more!


Get the Most Effective Script for Wholesalers

Get the Most Effective Script
for Wholesalers

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