
Episode 196: How a Bold and Steadfast Rhino Failed His Way to Success

People who have done countless wholesaling deals know all too well not all transactions will turn out the way you want it. However, as long as you stay steadfast and bold, you’ll be able to eventually make things work out in your favor. The wholesaling story of our guest today is a testament to this.

Colin King’s wholesaling journey has not been picture-perfect. While he made a whopping $39, 000 on his first wholesaling deal, he encountered a few hiccups and challenges along the way. However, he didn’t let those setbacks throw him off. Instead he stayed determined, learned from his mistakes, and eventually found the wholesaling success he was looking for.

If your wholesaling journey has been less than ideal, make sure you listen to this episode. You just might find the inspiration you need to also create your own wholesaling success story.

Key Takeaways

  • What the San Antonio housing market is like at the moment
  • How the current status of the market affects his conversations with homeowners
  • What the code violation list is
  • What he does after acquiring the code violation list
  • How he got into wholesaling
  • How he found his first deal and how much he made
  • The list he sent mails to
  • Important lesson he learned from a deal he did
  • Mistakes he committed
  • Number of hours he spent on his first TTP (Talk to People) deal and how much he made
  • His superpower
  • Books he recommends
  • What he would do to find deal if he does not have the money


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