
Episode 146: How Speed of Implementation Helped a New Rhino Close His First Deal

Today’s guest is Mike Hoffman, a rockstar rhino from Charlotte, North Carolina. The astute husband and father of 2 has been a tribe member since September of 2017 but is only doing wholesaling on the side.

If you are a newbie in the wholesaling world, you’ll learn many beneficial insights and actionable tips in this episode. You’ll also discover how speed of implementation, getting in front of the seller, and taking massive imperfect actions has helped Mike close his very first deal.

The Deal:

Since he became a member of the tribe, Mike has been religiously following the tips and advice he was given and implemented them as soon as he can.

  • He got his lead from a direct mail he sent out during the holidays using the standard tribe postcard.
  • He knew seller was highly motivated so he scheduled an appointment.
  • Rather than rushing to close the deal, he built rapport with the seller first by spending quality time with them and building a relationship of trust.
  • He got the property under contract and made $5, 000 in assignment fee. That’s a good amount of money for just a few hours of work!

While Mike encountered a few challenges working on his first deal, his willingness to learn and the speed of his implementation has undoubtedly made a massive difference. Learn from his example and you just might close your first ever deal before you know it!


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